Contract Works Insurance
Designed for Tradesmen and Building companies Contract Works Insurance covers the ongoing works and operations of an operational building site with works in progress also known as Contractors All Risks Insurance.
Should the works being undertaken on site be affected by an insured event like Fire, Flood, etc. then damages will be paid in order to get the site operational again.
Common Risks associated with Works In Progress Sites:
Liability for Visitors
Exposure to the elements
Damages to surrounding properties
Contractor Theft
Frequently Asked Questions
When is Contract Works Insurance Required?
If you have client contracts which hold you responsible for unfinished works on a site then you should have coverage in place in order to ensure you can perform this duty.
Who Can use the Coverage?
Anyone who works in the construction industry and whom needs to insure a works in progress site.
What Coverage do you get?
All works currently ongoing within the operational listed site.
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What's Covered?
A Real World Example?
Let’s say you have a building you are erecting on your land and a flood rains down washing away all your goods and damaging what is left, the coverage will pay out the repairs to get the site back to a working level.
A Real World Example of Non Coverage?
Let’s apply the same model above we are building a building on our land and the same flood comes and damages as above, however this time the flood was much stronger and actually damaged your current building on the land, the repairs would be conducted for the new building however as for your already constructed building, there would be no repairs as this was erected beforehand meaning is not covered by works in progress.
What Level of cover should you secure?
Ideally you would wish to secure coverage which would cover all of the costs of the largest building project you have as well as the labour involved to make right the site should the worst happen.
It would be advisable to look through our Business Equipment Insurance information and our Construction insurance section.
Working With Us
Which Services will we Provide you with
The Business Insurance Bureau conducts both client and market research to identify solutions to the needs of an almost exclusively business clientele. We will make a recommendation once we have assessed your demands and needs.
Payment Terms
All premiums due to insurers must normally be paid by you on or before the date that cover commences. Where alternative methods of payment are available these will be discussed with you so that arrangements can be put in place by the due date.
Confidentiality & Security
We are registered with the Data Protection Registrar. We will ensure that any information obtained from you is treated by us and anyone else involved in arranging, considering to arrange or managing your insurance, as Strictly Private and Confidential. We will not provide your information to anyone else unless we:
have your permission to do so, or -are required to by the FCA, or -are required to do so by law, or -are required to do so in the normal course of arranging or negotiating and maintaining, or renewing financial services products which we may from time to time approve.We take appropriate steps to ensure the security of any money, documents, other property or information handled or held on your behalf.
All information in any form, with the exception of policy documents and certificates issued on behalf of insurers and supplied by us, to you, should be treated as Strictly Private and Confidential and not be released directly or indirectly to any other party, without our explicit consent.
Note: in transacting your insurances with The Business Insurance Bureau, you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Business. Your accepting of these Terms of Business does not affect your statutory rights.
You must notify us as soon as possible of a claim and circumstances which may give rise to a claim. In the event of a claim you should contact this office and we will promptly advise you and if appropriate, issue you with a claim form and pass all details to your insurer. You should not admit liability or agree to any course of action, other than emergency measures carried out to minimise the loss, until you have an agreement from your insurer. We will remit claims payments to you as soon as possible after they have been received on your behalf. In the event that an insurer becomes insolvent or delays making settlement we do not accept liability for any unpaid amounts.
Cancellation Rights
You would have the right to cancel a policy within 14 days of its inception or upon receipt of the policy documentation whichever is the later. You would as a Consumer and without providing a reason, cancel the policy by confirming this is in writing to the address of our office through which your policy was placed. Any policy documentation and in particular any legal document, i.e. Certificate of Motor Insurance, Employers Liability Certificate, MUST be returned with your instruction to cancel. By exercising your right to cancel the policy, you are withdrawing from the contract of insurance.
Duration & Termination
Our services may be terminated without cause or penalty by giving one months’ notice in writing. In the event that our services are terminated by you other than at the expiry of the policy we will be entitled to retain any fees and all of the brokerage payable. The responsibility for handling claims reported after the date of termination shall in the absence of an express agreement be the responsibility of the party taking over the role.